Πρόκειται για μια συνομιλία δύο ομοφυλόφιλων αγνώστων μέσα από ένα dating site... Ο πρώτος είναι ένας φίλος Δανός (με τον οποίο διατηρώ αλληλογραφία) ενώ ο δεύτερος είναι ένας ομολογουμένως αρκετά εμφανίσιμος εικοσιτριάχρονος.
-Hi how are you?
-Fuck off
-Well, looks can get you so far... but character? It can take you all the way...
-Read my profile moron.. And after send a message. Now get the fuck off and stop bothering me!
-I've read it, but it seems you haven’t read my message.. It’s a pity, so much food and energy being wasted
on meaningless entities...
-Then what part of: NO CLEAR PICTURE...FUCK OFF, you did not understand?' I don t date average ugly people by the way.
-For the sake of humanity i shall continue arguing and also because i do believe that people can eventually change, so this is the good deed of my day...
So i have plenty of clear pictures which i would have gladly sent to you (mind the past tense) and I’m not the only one... but like others I’d first like to exchange a friendly greeting and then go down to business..
As for the last part of average ugly people, good for you; as long as you can you should do that... But hey you are not the only one out there, and there are numerous gorgeous men WITH a character... Try to be one of them instead and also have your feet on the ground because it’s really shocking how i can tell from your first sentence spoken to me that you are flying above the clouds... don’t you think?
- No fucking shit Go and get fuck somewhere else and spear me with your bullshit moron!
-But still, you are reading but do you comprehend? That is the question.. Pause for a while and think and do YOURSELF the favour... i see potential.. Take advantage of it..
-Join a fucking church!! Fuck off now
-I’d like to rest my case, but i have a cause for tonight! - so i wont - what i don’t understand is the fact that you are willing to read what I’m sending to you, but you don’t bother understanding and commenting on any... hmm doesn’t it puzzle you too?
-Bro.. wrong place trust me...u try and try and try...i don t give a shit about what u say..its amusing me.. that’s the reason i didn’t block you yet
I m fucking hot.. I don t need to be polite.. Only with the people who deserve it.. You’re not one of them.. So you can go and kill yourself!
-You may believe you are what you think or claim to be, but you see there is already progress! :D you have just realized and admitted your lack of social skills and now it’s time to accept it and try to improve.. As for me it’s a different story and let’s not get to that.. So why do you think you are superior to the rest just based on your looks?
-Can you justify it though sufficiently, or is it just the biased belief that outer beauty rules them all? The fact that you are being praised merely for your outside traits - as if an item - pleases you?
Η συνομιλία έληξε εδώ με τον νέο να κάνει block τον συνομιλητή του.
Δεν ξέρω, κάτι στην όλη συζήτηση με προβλημάτισε και θα ήθελα να ακούσω και την δική σας άποψη...
Δεν ξέρω, κάτι στην όλη συζήτηση με προβλημάτισε και θα ήθελα να ακούσω και την δική σας άποψη...
Για κάποιο λόγο ενευρίασεν με ο Δανέζος... Ίσως επειδή εβρέθηκα κι εγώ σε παρόμοια κατάσταση που ελαλούσα στον άλλον ότι δεν ενδιαφέρομαι (mind you, not so rudely, but cold and serious nonetheless) αλλά τζίνος έπαιρνεν το σαν cue για να μου αρκέψει ψυχανάλυση.
Some people need to know when to back off/ give up.
Κοίτα, προσωπικά νιώθω λίγο διχασμένος, επειδή από την μία αντιλαμβάνομαι ότι ο νέος έχει πνιγεί από την έπαρσή του, αλλά ούτε και με τον φίλο μου συμφωνώ καθώς το παρατράβηξε. Ακόμα νιώθω πως προσπαθούσε έντονα να φανεί υπεράνω ενώ στην πραγματικότητα και αυτός ήταν αρκετά προσβλητικός.
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